Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 16 July 1979 Last amended: 16.01.2003 |
Mode of designation | directly elected 80 |
Constituencies | 6 multi-member constituencies (seats allotted in proportion to population) |
Voting system | . |
Voter requirements | - age: 18 - Cyprus citizenship, including naturalized citizens - residence in the country for at least six months prior to the elections - citizens overseas cannot vote - disqualifications: insanity, imprisonment, disfranchisement by court decision |
Candidates |
Eligibility | - qualified electors - age: 25 - Cyprus citizenship - there is no residence requirement - ineligibilities: conviction of an offence involving dishonesty or immorality, electoral offence |
Incompatibilities | - minister - mayor - member of a municipal council - member of the armed or security forces - public or municipal office |
Candidacy requirements | - party lists or individual candidatures possible - support of at least four registered electors, approved by the candidate - deposit of 250 Cyprus pounds, reimbursed if the candidate obtains votes equalling at least 1/3 of the electoral quota |