Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 11 February 2002 Election Laws (Volume I - III) |
Mode of designation | indirectly elected 100 |
Constituencies | - four constituencies of 22 seats corresponding to the country's four provinces (14 general seats; 4 reserved for women and 4 for technocrats/ulemas); - one constituency of eight seats (8 general seats) corresponding to the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATAs, tribal zones under federal administration); - one constituency of 4 seats (2 general seats, 1 seat reserved for women and 1 for a technocrat or ulemas) corresponding to the federal capital. |
Voting system | : Indirect elections. Proportional representation system and single transferable vote. 22 Senators are elected by each of Pakistan's four Provincial Assemblies, 8 are elected by the National Assembly members from the Federally Administered Tribal Area and 4 are chosen from the Federal Capital by members of the National Assembly. Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by-elections. Voting is not compulsory. |
Voter requirements | - membership of Provincial Assembly or National Assembly |
Candidates |
Eligibility | Qualified electors - age: 30 years - Pakistani citizenship - good moral reputation - if Muslim, fulfilment of certain conditions relating to Islam - ineligibility: conviction of crime involving moral turpitude or giving false evidence, personal action against the integrity of the country, undischarged bankruptcy, imprisonment for a term of not less than five years - government contractors |
Incompatibilities | - membership of the armed forces - holding of public office or office of profit in the service of Pakistan |
Candidacy requirements | - candidatures proposed and seconded by electors of the same constituency - deposit of Rs. 2,000 |