Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 12 August 1992 Last amendment: 28/10/1997 |
Mode of designation | directly elected 123 |
Constituencies | 21 multi-member constituencies corresponding to the country's provinces. |
Voting system | Proportional: Closed party-list proportional representation system. The allocation of seats is effected on the basis of the Hare electoral quotient and remaining seats according to the greatest remainders. Vacancies arising between general elections are filled by the "next-in-line" candidates of the same party that held the seats in question. Vacancies are not filled in the last six months of the Assembly's term. Voting is not compulsory. |
Voter requirements | - age: 18 years - Cambodian citizenship |
Candidates |
Eligibility | Qualified electors - age: 25 years - Cambodian citizenship |
Incompatibilities | - any other public function - membership in other institutions provided for in the Constitution (except when MPs required to serve in the Government) |
Candidacy requirements | - nomination by duly registered party in the province in which the candidate is a registered voter |