Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 1 July 1979 Last amendment: 1997 |
Mode of designation | indirectly elected 3000 |
Constituencies | - 23 provinces - 5 autonomous regions - 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government - special administrative regions (Hong Kong; Macau (from 1999)) |
Voting system | . |
Voter requirements | - age: 18 years - Chinese citizenship - disqualifications: insanity, deprivation of political rights according to the law |
Candidates |
Eligibility | Qualified electors - age: 18 years - Chinese citizenship - ineligibility: insanity, deprivation of political rights according to the law |
Incompatibilities | (data unavailable) |
Candidacy requirements | - candidates may be nominated by a political party and/or various people's organizations (acting either jointly or separately) or a group of at least 10 Deputies of the same constituency |