Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 1 January 1900 |
Mode of designation | directly elected 52 |
Constituencies | 17 multi-member constituencies. |
Voting system | : Closed party-list simple majority vote. Each elector casts a ballot for one candidate. Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by-elections. |
Voter requirements | - age: 18 years - Vanuatu citizenship - ordinary residence in the constituency - disqualifications: detention in a mental institution |
Candidates |
Eligibility | - qualified electors - age: 25 years - Vanuatu citizenship - ineligibility: undischarged bankruptcy, insanity, imprisonment sentence |
Incompatibilities | - President of the Republic - judge or magistrate - public officer - member of the police forces or of the National Council of Chiefs - teachers |
Candidacy requirements | - support by at least five electors of the constituency concerned - deposit of 50,000 vatu, not reimbursed |