Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 28 June 2013 Last amendment: 23 July 2012 (Royal decree amending the 2012 electoral law) |
Mode of designation | directly elected 135 other 15 |
Constituencies | - 45 single and multi-member districts for 108 seats including 12 seats reserved for minorities. - One nationwide constituency for 27 seats (filled by the proportional representation system) In addition, there are 15 seats reserved for women, selected among women candidates who did not win district seats. |
Voting system | . |
Voter requirements | - age: 18 years - Jordanian citizenship - ordinary residence in a constituency - disqualifications: insanity, undischarged bankruptcy, criminal conviction, allegiance to a foreign State, members of the armed forces
Candidates |
Eligibility | Qualified electors - age: 30 years - Jordanian citizenship - ineligibility: government contractors, blood relatives of the King, imprisonment exceeding one year for a non-political offence |
Incompatibilities | - public office - Deputies may become ministers of government while sitting, but a minister who wishes to run for parliament must first resign from his post |
Candidacy requirements | - non-reimbursable deposit equivalent to US$ 700 - candidates may run in only one subdistrict |