Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 1 January 1900 |
Mode of designation | directly elected 250 |
Constituencies | 15 multi-member constituencies corresponding to administrative districts. |
Voting system | Majority: Direct election, simple majority vote with preferential system. Voters select one list from among a series of lists of parliamentary candidates. Two thirds of the candidates on each list are from the NPF, which itself is guaranteed 131 seats. 51 of the Deputies must be workers and farmers. The other 80 seats are allocated to independent candidates. Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by elections held within 90 days after the vacancy arises (except for vacancies arising less than six months before the expiration of the mandate). Voting is not compulsory.
Voter requirements | - age: 18 years - Syrian citizenship - disqualifications: insanity, allegiance to a foreign State, conviction of specific crimes, members of the armed and police forces |
Candidates |
Eligibility | Qualified electors - age: 25 years - Syrian citizenship - literacy |
Incompatibilities | - members of the armed forces - civil servants - government commissioners and police officers can be elected in another constituency than the one where working (after obtaining an authorization) |
Candidacy requirements | - candidates may run independently or with the support of a political party |