Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 28 August 1958 Last amendment: 29/10/2003 |
Mode of designation | directly elected 222 |
Constituencies | 222single-member constituencies. |
Voting system | Majority: Direct simple majority vote. Vacancies arising between general elections are filled within 60 days through by-elections. Voting is not compulsory. |
Voter requirements | - age: 21 years - Malaysian citizenship - residence in the constituency where voting - disqualifications: insanity, undischarged bankruptcy, imprisonment, sentence of death or imprisonment exceeding 12 months |
Candidates |
Eligibility | Qualified electors - age: 21 years - Malaysian citizenship - residence in the country - ineligibility: insanity, allegiance to a foreign State, imprisonment for at least one year or fine of at least RM 2,000. |
Incompatibilities | Holders of an "office of profit" (i.e., a full-time office in the public services) such as: - judge of the Federal Court or a High Court - Auditor-General - member of the Election Commission |
Candidacy requirements | - each candidate (party member or independent) must be supported by a proposer and a seconder of same constituency. - deposit of RM 10,000, reimbursed if the candidate polls more than 1/8 of the total number of votes obtained by all the candidates in the constituency |