Legal Framework |
Electoral Law | 9 March 2006 Loi N° 06/006 |
Mode of designation | directly elected 687 |
Constituencies | 687 single-member constituencies. |
Voting system | Majority: Two-round System (TRS) The candidate who has received the majority of all votes cast in a constituency is declared elected. The election is valid only when more than 1/2 of the voters in a given constituency take part in it. Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by-elections. Voting is not compulsory. |
Voter requirements | - age: 17 years - DPRK citizenship - disqualifications: insanity, persons disfranchised by court decision |
Candidates |
Eligibility | Qualified electors - age: 17 years - DPRK citizenship |
Incompatibilities | (data unavailable) |
Candidacy requirements | - nomination by electors, political parties or social organisations (jointly or individually) - each candidate must be nominated at a meeting of at least 100 electors; more than 1/2 of these must support his/her candidacy. |