Remarks by: Dr Majidi APA Secretary General to the 2nd Executive Council meeting 2018
Remarks by:
Dr Majidi
APA Secretary General
to the 2nd Executive Council meeting
29 Nov.- 2 Dec. 2018-11-17, Istanbul, Turkey
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
Dear Mme Chair, Excellencies, Parliamentary delegations, Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me start by stating how happy I am to see you again in the charming city of Istanbul. Not long ago we met in Gwadar, Pakistan where we had a very successful meeting of Standing Committee on Political Affairs and we are all thankful to people and Senate of Pakistan for their valuable contributions which were conducive to the outcomes of our deliberations.
Dear Colleagues,
Today in the 2nd Executive Council meeting under the able chairmanship of Mme Erdogan, Head of Turkish APA Group, we are mainly gathered together to make preparatory work for tomorrow’s 11th Plenary Session. We are therefore commissioned to consider, review and make all necessary adjustments to the draft resolutions at hand as well as to offer our thoughts on the agenda and forward them to the highest APA echelon for their examination and final endorsement.
Needless to say that once adopted, the ball is in our court again to take them up in APA national assemblies for their thorough consideration and eventual implementation in due course of time.
The Plenary for its part has also a theme for discussion in front of it, which is called:
“ Promoting Economic Prosperity in Asia”
While Parliament Speakers brain storm over this important topic, the outcomes of different Standing Committees ever-since our first Executive Council meeting will be attended to, in parallel meetings, one by one.
Towards the end of 2nd Executive Council meeting we will also address the issue of re-confirmation and nominations for positions of next Presidency and vice-Presidency for upcoming period.
With this short introductory remarks and synopsis to our tasks in hand, I wish you all productive session and enjoyable stay in the memorable city of Istanbul.
Thank you for your attention.
- 29 November 2018
- Visited: 24749
- News ID: 3959
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