Apartheid Regime of Israel was strongly condemned for its crimes in Gaza & Lebanon

Lawmakers representing the APA member parliaments condemned in the strongest terms the apartheid regime of Israel’s unbridled war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon.

Convened on Sunday (October 13) under the auspices of the APA Secretariat on the sidelines of the 149 IPU Assembly, delegations from 18 APA member countries present at this meeting lambasted international bodies for their silence and inaction in the face of the ongoing horrendous massacres of innocent people of Palestine in Gaza and Lebanon by the Zionist Entity.

Head of the Azerbaijan Delegation to APA and the representative of APA President, Dr. Nabiyev who chaired the meeting, expressed his deep concern about the escalation of tension in the Middle East and expansion of military actions in the region. “Unfortunately, one of the most pressing problems in the region is the situation in Gaza and we remain deeply concerned with the continued tension in Gaza”, he remarked.

In another part of his remarks, he underlined that fostering cooperation between various inter-parliamentary organizations was highly effective in achieving common goals. To this end, he underscored that Azerbaijan viewed the APA as a crucial platform for coordinating multilateral initiatives and advancing parliamentary diplomacy in support of peace and security.

The meeting continued its work to hear the report of Dr. Majidi, the APA Secretary General who referred to parliamentary diplomacy as the cornerstone of democratic governance and driving force to infuse impetus to parliamentary dimension of international cooperation. He then expressed his deep concern over the inaction of IPU since the flare-up of tension in Gaza and South Lebanon.

Dr. Majidi added, it was very unfortunate that the delegations of the IPU member parliaments could not reach any common position about the devastating situation in Gaza to find a solution for giving an end to the genocidal act of the apartheid regime of Israel in the course of their deliberations in the past two IPU assemblies in Luanda and Geneva.

Present at this meeting was Dr. Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, Speaker of the Islamic Parliament of Iran, who addressed the meeting and strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s crimes in Gaza and Lebanon, deliberately targeting schools, hospitals and civilians, including women and children in defiance of all international law.

Iran’s Parliament Speaker said that all ethical and legal achievements of human civilization was trampled by the Zionist regime which openly declared their intension to extend this inhumane policy to other countries in the region.

In another part of his address, Dr. Qalibaf stated that the region was on the verge of explosion adding that the Zionist regime had deeply endangered the geopolitical stability and strategic balance of the region.

Lastly, Dr. Qalibaf emphasized that a ceasefire should be brought about in Gaza and Lebanon and that western allies of the criminal regime of Israel should choose to compel this regime to agree with a ceasefire.

Chairman of the Shura Council of the Sultanate of Oman as a special guest and coordinator of Islamic and Arab Groups also gave a report on the emergency item proposed by Algeria and Palestine and requested the MP from Palestine to brief the participants about this proposal.

MP from the Parliament of Palestine took the floor and gave a substantive detail of the proposal submitted by Palestine on behalf of Arab Group for consideration and approval by the IPU.  This item requires” Enforcing Un General Assembly Resolution ES-10/24 and Ensuring Accountability

MP from the Council of Representatives of Iraq also expressed his viewpoints about the ongoing escalation of tension in Gaza and Lebanon. In part of his address, he lauded existing coordination made among Arab, Islamic and Asian countries for taking unified position in the face of the war crimes committed by the Zionist regime. He underlined that crimes and genocidal acts perpetrated by the Zionist regime of Israel would not limit to merely Palestine and Lebanon, but this regime is a serious threat to other countries including Iraq, Iran, Yemen and many other countries. Israel is, by nature, an aggressive regime and countries of the region should be vigilance to collectively rise against the threats of this regime before it got too late.

Dr. Abdulkadir Emin ONEN, MP from Turkiye and Head of the APA Group in GNAT also expressed his clear-cut viewpoints about the sensitive situation in the Middle East, and called the need for taking a common stand against the escalation of ongoing tension in the region. He stated that the Asian Parliamentary Assembly as a highly important parliamentary body in the Asian Continent has the potential and capacity as a strong institutional voice to face current challenges, adding that altogether every action should be taken collectively for peace and stability in the region.

MP from Maldives also strongly voiced against any action in defiance of international law adding that violation of the rights of nations large and small, rich or poor under any condition must not be tolerated. She denounced the ongoing massacre of civilians in Gaza and Lebanon and devastation of schools and hospitals by Israel is clear violation of the international system and should duly encountered. She finally expressed her supported for affiliation of Palestine as a UN member.

  • 14 October 2024
  • Visited: 40
  • News ID: 4201
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