APA Virtual Meeting on Parliamentary Research Cooperation an Excellent Opportunity For Enhancement of Parliamentary Diplomacy
MPs, academia, researchers and legislative experts representing APA Member Countries gathered on Tuesday May 17 at a virtual meeting to exchange views in an interactively scientific environment.
Organized for the first time at the initiative of the APA Secretariat, this one-day virtual event intended to create a platform with a different vision in order to develop cooperation in Asia through research programs.
This event which was held under the title of “Parliamentary Forum on Research and Library Cooperation” in commemoration of the 15th years of APA achievements in Asia was a welcome initiative which received support of several parliamentarians and parliamentary researchers and academia from various APA members who expressed their visions and perspectives from different angles in order to give impetus to parliamentary diplomacy in Asia and other regions.
Participants strongly supported the initiative undertaken by the APA Secretariat and underscored parliamentary research cooperation as the centerpiece of better representation, lawmaking and oversight.
The opening session started at 11 A.M local time with the address of H.E. Dr. Majidi, the APA Secretary General.
Her Excellency, Ms. Asuman Erdogan , Chairperson of the Turkish APA Delegation and Representative of the APA President was the 2nd Speaker.
H.E. Dr. Jalil Rahimi Jahanabadi, MP and member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee as well as Chairperson of the Iranian Delegation.
Negahdari, Head of the Islamic Parliament of Iran Research Center were the last other two speakers who addressed the opening session.
APA Secretariat received 60 Registration Forms within the statutory time limit from the following countries:
Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kuwait, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines, State of Qatar, Russian Federation, Syria, Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates.
Participants from Bangladesh, Bahrain, Cambodia, China, Turkey, Kuwait, Pakistan, the Philippines, Bhutan, Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia made an interactive contribution to the meeting.
It is to be noted that the APA Secretariat will prepare and publish abstracts of the statements presented by the participants to be used as a source of reference for future programs.
- 23 May 2022
- Visited: 5231
- News ID: 4125
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