APA Coordination meeting in the sideline of 139th IPU Assembly
The coordination APA meeting was chaired by the speaker of
the Turkish parliament and the current president of APA in the sideline of 139th
IPU Assembly in GVA, Switzerland.
At the meeting Mr. Binali Yildirim, president of the Asian
Parliamentary Assembly (APA), welcomed the participants from the
Representatives of Asian Countries and provided a report concerning the last
meeting of the Cultural Committee and the Executive Council in Izmir, Turkey.
Presenting the forthcoming plans of APA and inviting the
Representatives of Asian Countries for the upcoming APA meeting in Turkey.
In the following, Dr. Mohammad Reza Majidi, Sectary General
of the APA, provided a report concerning the Economic, cultural, and program
committees of the APA and announced about the next meeting of the Standing
Committee on Political Affairs which is going to be held soon in Pakistan.
The coordination APA meeting was held with the participation
of the following countries:
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Kingdom of Bahrain,
People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Kingdom of Cambodia, United Arab Emirates,
Republic of India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Iraq, Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), State of Kuwait, Federal Democratic
Republic of Nepal, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Russian Federation, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Syria Arab Republic
and Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
In addition, the Emergency Item of the IPU were discussed
and at the end, for the expert discussion, a working group was formed on that
- 22 October 2018
- Visited: 23484
- News ID: 3953
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