Turkish parliament elects new speaker

Mustafa Sentop, a lawmaker from northwestern Tekirdag province, received 336 votes by the Turkish National Assembly of 600 seats, as reported.
AKP has 291 seats in parliament. The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), represented in parliament with 49 MPs, announced it will endorse the AKP’s candidate as part of its 'People’s Alliance' with the ruling party.
Former parliament speaker Binali Yıldırım announced his resignation late Feb. 18 to submit his candidacy for Istanbul mayor in the upcoming March 31 local elections. He handed over the office to interim Parliament Speaker Celal Adan of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) on Feb. 19.
The presidency released a statement saying Turkey’s president Erdogan called Sentop to congratulate him on his election as parliament speaker.

Source: Turkish Press
  • 10 March 2019
  • Visited: 26078
  • News ID: 3971
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