Turkish, Iraq PMs discuss cooperation against terrorism

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi held a telephone conversation Saturday in which they discussed cooperation against terrorism, APAreports citing Anadolu Agency.

The two leaders agreed on threats posed by Daesh and PKK and, Yildirim told al-Abadi that Turkey supports Iraq's efforts against Daesh in southeastern Mosul, according to prime ministry sources who cannot be named due to restrictions on speaking to media.

Yildirim also told the Iraq's premier Turkey is confident Iraq is taking necessary steps against threats to Iraq’s security and welfare, particularly blocking new immigration waves in Talafar and Mosul.

The men agreed to the necessity of making frequent visits to see each other.

For the last seven weeks, the Iraqi army -- backed by U.S.-led coalition warplanes and local allies on the ground -- has waged a wide-ranging offensive to retake Mosul, which Daesh overran in mid-2014.

  • 13 December 2016
  • Visited: 5803
  • News ID: 3871
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