The First APA Bureau meeting ended its work in Ankara, Turkey

The First APA Bureau Meeting ended its work on Monday 15 December with cooperative effort of all the participants who successfully covered all the items of the adopted agenda.
Organized at the initiative of the APA Secretariat, this one-day event was held at official invitation of the APA President and generous hospitality of the GNAT in Ankara, Turkey.
The agenda set out the list of items for deliberation on the special conduct of the APA future meetings intended to be held virtually in 2021 and later until such time the global pandemic would have been fully contained. The agenda items received consensual support of all the participants.
Present at this Meeting were Heads of the APA Groups in their affiliated Parliaments who attended in the capacity as Vice- Presidents of the four APA Standing Committees representing Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Russia. Indonesia attended as Rapporteur. H.E.M Erdogan, the Head of the APA Group in the Turkish Parliament chaired the meeting in her capacity as APA President.
The meeting opened with the welcome remarks of the Chairperson, who expressed her deep concern over the devastating health and economic crisis befallen the whole world as the aftermath of the deadly outbreak of Convid-19.
She expressed hope that this catastrophic situation would be tactfully handled by adoption of collective measures at international level in order to get back to normalcy for holding our physical meetings as before.
Furthermore, In his report on the APA annual activities since last December following convening of the 12th APA Plenary, the APA Secretary General, Dr. Majidi presented in details the initiatives undertaken by the Secretariat to give momentum to the APA parliamentary business even under Covid-19 restrictive conditions through holding virtual meetings.
Finally, he called on the participants to encourage the parliaments of their subject countries to actively contribute and share their views and visions on measures needed to be taken through scientific and research circles in post-pandemic era to ease the inevitability of unexpected adverse impacts of this crisis.
In addition, the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey ( SGNT) and incumbent APA President received the participant jointly to discuss with them the issues of interest.
  • 21 December 2020
  • Visited: 15808
  • News ID: 4047
  • Source:

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