Secretary General’s Message in Commemoration of the 14th Anniversary of the APA

November 14, 2020 marks 14th anniversary of the establishment of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA). This regional parliamentary organization which was born in 2006 at the 7th Session of the Association of Asian parliamentary for Peace (AAPP) grew out of the collective desire and concerted efforts of the legislators in Asia tasked with the core mission to promote cooperation for peace through parliamentary mechanisms, most particularly in the Asia.
During the past 14 years, the APA has worked hand in hand with all the member parliaments to seek their support for steady cooperation with regional and international parliamentary organizations as part of its mandate in a bid to strengthen parliamentary diplomacy.
It is indeed a special privilege and pleasure to wholeheartedly congratulate this precious occasion to the APA President, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sentop along with all other parliamentary colleagues in the APA member parliaments. 
Much to our regret we commemorate this welcome anniversary at a time when the world is severely hit by the deadly COVID-19 Pandemic as a global challenge that can be tackled and overcome only through global coordinated action. I also regret not to be able to duly celebrate this occasion as the aftermath of the unfolding catastrophe resulted from the outbreak of the currently rampant health crisis.
  • 14 November 2020
  • Visited: 17464
  • News ID: 4037
  • Source:

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