Secretariat of International Cultural Dialogues Calls for Papers for "Conference on Asian Cultural Dialogues" to be Held in Iran from 15 to 18 January 2018

APA News Desk
21 October 2017

In the Name of God

Call for Papers
For the Conference on

Cultural Dialogues in Asia:
Cultural Diversity and Asian Cooperation

15-18 January 2018
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Cultural diversity, ancient traditions and civilizations of Asia are an inspiring source for the cooperation of different nations in this vast continent. Strengthening historical and cultural ties, as well as common social bonds among nations in the region can play a positive role in the elevation of Asian values and expansion of cooperation among their nations. Interacting with cultural integration efforts, Asian nations have constantly tried to preserve their own cultural identity in spite of the vigorous globalization trend throughout the world. In order to provide the ground for achieving this valuable goal, the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization held the “International Conference on Dialogue among Religions and Cultures in Asia” (September, 2011, Tehran) in cooperation with Islamic Consultative Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Majlis) and Asian Parliamentary Assembly. During the past few years, the Organization also took a number of initiatives for enhancing dialogue among cultures and religions in various parts of Asia to implement the tasks enunciated in Tehran Declaration on Dialogue among Religions and Cultures in Asia. Most notably, it established "the Secretariat of the International Cultural Dialogues" to follow up the initiatives of the member states.

The Secretariat of the International Cultural Dialogues decides to organize the Asian Cultural Dialogues with the presence of notable cultural figures and thinkers on 15-18 January 2018 in Iran to promote understanding and cooperation in Asia aiming at elimination of the increasing threats of violent extremism. Hereby, academics, researchers and interested individuals are invited to develop and submit their papers to the secretariat on one of the following themes:

A. Cultural Diversity in Asia, Opportunities and Capacities for Interaction, Cooperation and Convergence
1. Cultural diversity in Asia; an opportunity to combat extremism
2. Cultural diversity in Asia, an opportunity to achieve peace and cooperation
3. Opportunities and capacities of Asian culture in addressing regional and international challenges
4. Challenges and obstacles of cultural cooperation in Asia
5. The impact of globalization on cultural diversity in Asia
6. Cultural diversity, Asian values and cultural dialogues and cooperation
7. Experiences and strategies for strengthening social coherence in multi-cultural societies

B. Cultural dialogue between Iran and the Indian Subcontinent; Mysticism and Sufism, opportunities and capacities
1. Mysticism and Sufism, an opportunity for expanding cultural interactions and strengthening cooperation
2. The role of Mysticism and Sufism in combating violence and extremism
3. The role of Mysticism and Sufism in promoting the culture of peace and tolerance in Asia
4. The place of Mysticism and Sufism in historical and civilizational ties between Iran and the Indian Subcontinent
5. The role of Mysticism and Sufism in expanding cultural tourism
6. The contribution of Persian language and literature to cultural ties between Iran and the Indian Subcontinent
7. The role of Mystics and Mystical Schools in expansion and consolidation of cultural ties between Iran and the Indian Subcontinent
8. Challenges and obstacles of cultural cooperation between Iran and the Indian Subcontinent

C. Cultural dialogue between Iran and East & South East Asia: cultural and historical ties
1. Common cultural heritage, a ground for cultural dialogues and cooperation between Iran and East &South East Asia
2. Cultural and historical ties and their role in expanding relations between Iran and East &South East Asia
3. Cultural and historical ties, a ground for preventing violence and extremism
4. Cultural and historical ties and their role in expanding cultural tourism between Iran and East &South East Asia
5. The role of academic figures and Mystics in the expansion of relations between Iran and East &South East Asia
6. The role of common cultural heritage in strengthening cooperation between Iran and East &South East Asia
7. Challenges and obstacles of expanding cultural cooperation between Iran and East &South East Asia
8. The role of Persian language and literature in cultural ties between Iran and East &South East Asia
9. The role of cultural and academic institutions in strengthening and expanding relations between Iran and East &South East Asia

D. Cultural dialogue between Iran and Central Asia and Caucasus: common cultural heritage
1. Common cultural heritage, an opportunity to expand Asian cultural cooperation
2. The role of cultural and historical symbols and figures of the region in boosting regional collaborations
3. preservation Policies of cultural heritage and their role in expanding cultural exchanges
4. The contribution of art and architecture to historical ties of Iran and central Asia
5. Persian language and literature and their role in the cultural and historical ties of the region
6. Preservation policies and experiences in the area of cultural heritage, an opportunity for collective collaboration in fighting against trafficking and destroying cultural heritage
7. The role of common cultural historical heritage in the expansion of tourism
8. The role of academic and cultural institutions in strengthening and expanding relations

E. The Position of regional organizations in Asian cultural cooperation: academic and cultural collaborations among the ECO member states
1. The contribution of ECO Cultural Institute in expanding academic and educational exchanges
2. The role of ECO Cultural Institute in expanding cultural dialogues and cooperation among member states
3. The role of ECO Cultural Institute in coordination among policies for preservation of common cultural heritage
4. The position of national encyclopedia foundations in academic and cultural cooperation among member states
5. The position of national encyclopedia foundations in creating coherence with regard to common cultural heritage
6. Cultural tourism among ECO member states; an opportunity for dialogue and cultural and social cooperation
7. Challenges of expanding cultural cooperation among ECO member states

The papers should be emailed to the conference secretariat before 20 November, 2017. The accepted papers will be edited and compiled in a collection which will be published after the conference.

Conference Location: The inaugural session and preliminary meetings will be held in Tehran and the panels of the conference will take place in other venues that will be notified to the participants.

Contact: cultural@icro.ir

  • 19 October 2017
  • Visited: 13662
  • News ID: 3922
  • Source:

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