Samarkand Human Rights Web –Forum Officially Opened Today

Samarkand Human Rights Web Forum” Youth 2020: Global Solidarity, Sustainable Development and Human Rights” opened today in the historical city of Samarkand. The two day event ( Aug 12-13) includes three plenary sessions as follows:
1. Development of International Standards for Youth Rights,
2. Youth Rights and Sustainable Development,
3. Human Rights Education for Youth,
The Meeting opened with the address of the President of Uzbekistan followed by video messages from UN Secretary General, UNHCHR and UNESCO Director General. 
IPU Secretary General, President of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) were also among other participants who addressed the meeting.
In his opening Speech, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan congratulated the International Youth Day and expressed his sincere gratitude to the UN Secretary General for his support to hold this Forum.
“The young people with a vision to future are generators of new ideas and creative solution to make our planet more peaceful and prosperous place”, remarked President Mirziyouev.
He then touched on the plight of COVID-19 as central issue on the global agenda which has had serious economic and social consequences throughout the world and has face the youth with many challenges” 
President Mirziyouev continued” In the modern world intellectually and spiritually developed, proactive young people are becoming the drivers of sustainable progress and in new Uzbekistan
Young generation serves as dynamic driving force to modernize the country.
Several enactments in support of young generation have been recently passed by various concerned authorities in Uzbekistan in order that every youth can have his or her place in the society.
In another part of his speech the President of Uzbekistan underscored” Most of the challenges faced by humanity today, such as peace and security threats, terrorism and extremism, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic require concerted global action and active involvement of youth in decision making process.
In this regard, he added” the adoption of the Convention on Youth Rights initiated by Uzbekistan at the UN 72 session will be important to ensure the right of more than two billion young people around the world.
He concluded his remarks by expressing hope that this Forum will support this initiative and complement the draft document with constructive proposals.
  • 13 August 2020
  • Visited: 21195
  • News ID: 4026
  • Source:

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