Participants at the APA Coordinating Meeting in Manama voiced their full support for Qatar Proposal

The IPU delegations representing APA member countries in Manama, once again, displayed their unity and solidarity, extending their unwavering support for the proposal on emergency item submitted by Qatar for inclusion in the agenda of the 146 IPU Assembly.

Convened in Manama at the invitation of the APA Secretariat on the sideline of the 146 IPU Assembly, participants at this event made an extensive exchange of views underlining the vital importance of the item proposed by Qatar entitled “Criminalizing contempt for religion and the spreading of hatred and promoting coexistence, tolerance, peace and international security”.

Present at this meeting chaired by Mrs. Kavaci Kan, a seasoned and professional MP from the Grand National Assembly of Turkiye, representing Dr. Mustafa Sentop, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkiye (GNAT) and the incumbent APA President, the participants from 20 APA member countries strongly condemned any act aimed at disrespecting religious practices in every corner of the world.

In her opening remarks, the Chair called this sideline meeting a very important event for Asia as a valuable parliamentary opportunity in the hands of  the Asian Parliaments to sit together alongside the IPU Assemblies for adopting collective measures in a unified position as envisaged in the APA for the development of parliamentary diplomacy.

The meeting then took note of the remarks made by the APA Secretary General, Dr. Majidi who elaborated the activities of the APA Secretariat since the previous APA Consultation Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda and the programs to be pursued in the coming future.

The participants also observed one minute silence before the meeting goes into session in commemoration of the victims of the recent tragic earthquake which drastically hit Turkiye and Syria, causing heavy death toll and injury of many others. 

  • 13 March 2023
  • Visited: 3687
  • News ID: 4160
  • Source:

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