Iragi army says three more villages captured from Daesh

Three more villages west of Mosul have been recaptured from the Daesh terrorist group, military sources said Saturday, APA reports quoting Anadolu Agency.

Faisal Yasin, a captain in the Iraqi army’s Nineveh Operations Command, told Anadolu Agency that four bomb-laden vehicles of Daesh had also been destroyed and that operations were ongoing.

An Iraqi army major, Mezahim Ahmed said US-led coalition airstrikes against the town of Tal Kayf, 12 kilometers (7 miles) from Mosul, mistakenly killed four Iraqi soldiers and injured nine other in Mosul.

The slain soldiers from Iraqi Army's 16th Division had been in Tal Kayf for almost one week, Ahmed added.

On Oct. 18, the Iraqi army -- backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes -- launched a much-anticipated operation to retake Mosul, which Daesh overran in mid-2014

While most villages on the city’s outskirts have since fallen, Daesh remains in control of Mosul, which it overran in mid-2014.

  • 29 October 2016
  • Visited: 5942
  • News ID: 3843
  • Source:

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