Head of APA Group in Iraqi Council of Representatives Consults APA Secretary General on Future Programs of the Organization

In a video call this Friday( July 17), Rami al-Sakini APA Head of Delegation in the Council of Representatives of Iraq exchanged views with APA Secretary General on APA future meetings.
The purpose of this video call is to seek APA strategy in tackling future programs of the Organization in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Al-Sakini remarked as APA Vice-President and Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Political Affairs.
Contribution of delegates representing their APA Member Parliaments who shared their experiences on the global pandemic in the first virtual meeting was also discussed at this video conferencing call.
Turkish Parliament as the APA President hosted the first virtual meeting in Ankara on Thursday 9 July with participation of 20 member Parliaments. Council of Representatives of Iraq was not present at this meeting.
The procedure for continuation of APA on-line activities until return to normal condition was among other issues underlined by the parties.
Another issue of importance raised at this video call was to consider whether it would possible to hold the Standing Committee Meeting on Political Affairs in Iraq physically or otherwise to hold it on virtual basis in the coming months, Al-Sakini stated.
  • 18 July 2020
  • Visited: 21189
  • News ID: 4021
  • Source:

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