First APA Bureau Meeting due in Ankara, Turkey

Secretariat of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) plans to hold the First Bureau Session of the Organization physically after nearly one year suspension of its regular in-person meetings due to outbreak of the conronavirus pandemic.
The event which is to be hosted by the Turkish Parliament will take place on 15 December in Ankara, Turkey under the auspices of the APA Turkish Group as President.
APA has not held any face to face meetings since outbreak of the COVID-19 disease in early months of the current year.
Members of the Bureau comprise Vice- Presidents of the four APA Standing Committees representing Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Russia and Indonesia as Rapporteur.  Turkey will chair the meeting in the capacity as APA President.
Under the meeting agenda, participants are to consider and adopt a draft Special Rules of Procedure to regulate conduct of the APA future virtual meetings until full containment of the global pandemic and return to normalcy.
In addition, the participants are to set a series of programs and course of actions urging APA member parliaments to establish a highly concerted cooperation capacity for research engagements and information sharing policy in the chain of parliamentary measures during post pandemic era.
  • 09 December 2020
  • Visited: 16400
  • News ID: 4042
  • Source:

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