Doha Meeting a Welcome Initiative in the Context of Parliamentary Diplomacy

The 3rd Counter-Terrorism Coordination Meeting, organized by the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and UN Program Office on Parliamentary Engagement Preventing and Countering Terrorism ended its two-day work in Doha, State of Qatar.

Convened on 30-31 January in cooperation with the Shura Council of Qatar and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), this two-day event received representatives of regional and international parliamentary assemblies around the world. Present at this meeting were parliamentary assemblies from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America .

The focus of this meeting was to review the relevant activities and initiatives implemented and launched by parliamentary institutions, including cooperation with UNOCT and discuss future potential initiatives of the parliamentary assemblies on issues related to combating terrorism and preventing violent extremism.

As a case study, the discussions on the 2nd day concentrated on Parliamentary Policy Dialogue with special focus on the international legal framework concerning border security and cross-border cooperation .

At this two-day meeting participants shared their views on the parliamentary mechanisms needed to be devised to enhance cooperation at regional and international levels in the context of counter-terrorism.

As regards this important issue, the Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), Dr. Majidi, who represented the APA Organization at this event presented a report on the activities of the APA, highlighting the vital role of parliamentary diplomacy in confronting terrorism and all its forms and manifestations.

In another part of his report, he touched on the views of the honorable Speaker of the Shura Council of Qatar and that of the representatives of various parliamentary organizations on the root causes of violence and extremism and said as they have mentioned defamation of religious practices and beliefs, especially those of the divine religions, including their values and symbols should be strongly prohibited.

  • 05 February 2023
  • Visited: 4611
  • News ID: 4156
  • Source:

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