Bukhara City hosted the Online Forum on Effective Implementation of SDGs

Bukhara, a major historical city in the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted an important international forum on implementation of SDGs last week.

At this two day online event held on June 23-24, 2021 at the invitation of the Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, several dignitaries from various international parliamentary and international bodies including IPU Secretary General and UN authorities were present.

Present at this Forum, was Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), H.E. Dr. Mohammad Reza Majidi, who had the honor to address the opening session of the Forum.  

This online International Forum of Inter-Parliamentary Global Cooperation in the implementation of SDGs was an invaluable opportunity for the participants to address their views on how the items of 2030 Agenda are to be realized in the aftermath of global pandemic.

In his opening remarks, APA Secretary General touched on the timing of this Forum when the world has mobilized all the channels for best practices in order to suppress the pandemic and restart the economy in various regions, particularly in the Asian Region in a sustainable and inclusive manner for realization of the goals under 2030 Agenda.

Also in his speech at the First Session of the Forum, Dr. Majidi expressed his regret for the delay which may occur in realization of the SDGs due to outbreak of deadly virus crisis.

However, he underlined “to cope with the current situation and in order to be able to continue our course of action in line with the SDGs, the crisis should be looked into as an opportunity by placing sustainable development at the core of our recovery plan”.

In another part of his speech, Dr. Majidi underscored the crucial role of parliaments in supporting implementation of the SDGs, through their key legislative, oversight and budgetary functions.

Finally he focused on the resolutions adopted by the APA Standing Committees on an all-inclusive vision of the APA to SDGs in Asia, including an Asian integrated Market, Asian Climate Financial Initiative, Water and Sanitation in Asia for All.

He referred to the APA policy which has urged Asian Parliaments to contribute to the national efforts toward achieving the SDGs, including through establishment of appropriate mechanisms to monitor the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

  • 26 June 2021
  • Visited: 12620
  • News ID: 4073
  • Source:

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