Azerbaijani president receives Iran’s interior minister

Ramiz Mikayiloghlu – APA. “I’m amazed by the rich culture of the Azerbaijani people,” said Pope Francis during the meeting with representatives of the Azerbaijani government, public and diplomatic corps at the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku Oct. 2.


According to him, every ethnic or ideological identity, as with every authentic religious path, must exclude attitudes and approaches which instrumentalize their own convictions, their own identity or the name of God in order to legitimize subjugation and supremacy.


Speaking about the ongoing conflicts around the world, the Pope said there is a need to promote a culture of peace in order to effectively oppose these dangerous deviations.


“For such a dialogue, we should be patient about anything. Just as within a country’s borders it is necessary to promote harmony among the various sectors, so too between states it is necessary to persevere wisely and courageously on the path which leads to authentic progress and the freedom of peoples, opening up new avenues that lead to lasting agreements and peace. I hope that the international community may be able to offer unfailingly its indispensable help. I am confident that, with the help of God, and the good will of those involved, theCaucasus will be a place where, through dialogue and negotiation, disputes and differences will be resolved and overcome.  By such means, this area – “a gateway between East and West”, in the beautiful image used by Saint John Paul II when he visited your country will also become a gateway open to peace, and an example to which we can look to solve old and new conflicts,” said the Pope. 






Baku-APA. The Turkish prime minister accused the Fetullah Terrorist Organization, or FETO, of perpetrating rumors of a possibility of second coup attempt, APAreports quoting AA.


“There will be a new [coup] attempt, it will be tonight, [they] will come tomorrow… Those are a pack of lies to create unrest in the society,” Binali Yildirim said, accusing Fetullah Terrorist Organization, or FETO of being behind the rumors.


Speaking to reporters during a reception to mark the new legislative term of the Turkish parliament, Yildirim said that the government was taking all the necessary measures to prevent any such attempt.


Yildirim's remarks came after several media reports claimed that the government feared a second coup attempt.


He said those who would try to plot another coup attempt would pay a price higher than those who organized the one on July 15.


Turkey’s government blames FETO for the deadly July 15 defeated coup in the country. At least 241 people were martyred in the failed coup, which the

government has said was organized by followers of Fethullah Gulen, the head of FETO.

Gulen is accused of leading a long-running campaign to overthrow the Turkish government through the infiltration of state institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary, forming what is commonly known as the parallel state.

  • 02 October 2016
  • Visited: 5853
  • News ID: 3813
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