APA Standing Committee on Social and Cultural Affairs to Meet Next Week

APA Standing Committee on Social and Cultural Affairs is to hold its first meeting in the current year on virtual format next week.

Scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, the meeting will be chaired by Her Excellency, Dr. Masoumeh Pashaee in her capacity as APA Vice-President and Head of the APA Delegation in the Islamic Parliament of Iran.

This virtual event is to consider, inter alia, 13 draft resolutions on several issues of prime importance to the APA Member Countries.

Issues to be deliberated by the Participant include Cultural diversity and protection of Cultural Heritage in Asia, Asian Integration through Information and Communication Technology, Health Equity in Asia, Parliamentary action against corruption, Combat against smuggling of cultural items in Asia , Rights of Migrant Workers in Asia .

Based on the issues of their concern, some participants have proposed amendments to the draft resolutions which are to be discussed and adopted at the meeting.

The Chair, Ms. Pashaee will open the session to be followed by the address of Ms. Erdogan, representative of the APA President and Head of the APA Turkish Group in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey .

The APA Secretary General, H.E. Dr. Majdi will also give a report on the activities of the APA and brief the participants on the future programs of the organization.


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  • 06 July 2021
  • Visited: 12122
  • News ID: 4074
  • Source:

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