APA Standing Committee on Budget and Planning ended its One Day Virtual Meeting

APA Standing Committee on Budget and Planning held its one day meeting on virtual format last Wednesday to consider the scale of contribution by the member parliaments. 

Organized by State Duma of Russian Federation under the chairmanship of Mr. A. LYASHCHENKO and Head of the Russian Delegation, the Meeting was opened with a welcome address by the chair and followed by expression of a few key words by Ms. Eurdogan, Head of the APA Delegation in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT).

In her remarks, Ms. Eurdogan   said  “Despite all challenges facing the world in the aftermath of the global pandemic,  APA , in cooperation with all its members has held numerous virtual and in-person meetings during the past two years as an indication of its  high potential and capacity.

She concluded, wishing that the APA can play a more active role in promoting parliamentary diplomacy at regional and international arena.

The opening session was closed with a report by Dr. Majidi, Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly ( APA).

In his report, Dr. Majidi thanked the financial and logistical supports of the Islamic Parliament of Iran, and generosity of the host countries and said “  To this date, the APA Members have not yet reached a conclusive formula on scale of contribution to meet expenditures of the Secretariat”.

“However, despite all the shortcomings, the Secretariat has unceasingly tried to carry out its missions as envisaged in the Charter.” he added

“ To achieve a final solution, the Working Group on Statutory Documents should be reactivated  with the task of fixing the scale of contribution of member parliaments”. he underlined

The meeting, then , began to consider the only draft resolution before it together with couple of amendments submitted by the APA Group of Iran and the UAE.

On consideration of the draft resolution, there was lengthy debate on the models of payment and the scale of contribution.  Participants each expressed their views from various perspectives. Finally, the meeting decided to leave the decision on the scale of contribution to the Working Group on Statutory Documents due to be held late September this year in Turkey.
  • 05 August 2021
  • Visited: 11288
  • News ID: 4079
  • Source:

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