APA Secretary General’s Video Message on Future Meetings of the Organization

Procedure for holding future APA Meetings in the face of COVID-19 outbreak was addressed in a briefing session by the APA Secretary General.

In a video message today APA Secretary General Dr. MAJIDI, invited all the Member Parliaments of the Organization to take note of the new policies to be pursued for holding APA Meetings in the coming future.

“We are left with no choice, but to redefine our way of life and work under the current situation. We ought to adapt ourselves with it and find the best practices for coexistence as an alternative in order to be able to discharge our assigned missions.” Dr. Majidi stated in part of the message.

Such commitment calls for a specific model for conducting our meetings in future with the help of digital technology to proceed in this environment. APA Secretary General Added.

“ I do believe such policies will empower and enable us to promote APA international standing to even a higher stage in our pursuit for realization of APA objectives” Dr. Majidi concluded his message.

Click here to reach the video message

  • 10 June 2020
  • Visited: 21909
  • News ID: 4013
  • Source:



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