APA Secretary General’s Address to Samarkand Human Rights WEB- Forum on Youth

“The youth energies should be channeled into the activities that would lead to tangible benefits and contribute to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and other strategies”, stated Dr. Majidi, Secretary General of Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA)
He made this remark at the opening session of the Samarkand WEB- Forum on Human Rights, adding that future success would depend on engagement of young generation at national, regional and global level.
He continued” Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders and that can already bring new ideas to solving the world’s problems”.
“Therefore, he underlined, young generation as a social subject, needs comprehensive support from the state and society and significant resources should be allocated for their development”, .
In another part of his address, he hailed IPU’s initiative as the first international organization to introduce incentive to encourage more young parliamentarians to attend its meetings.
APA Secretary General also touched on a draft resolution adopted by the APA Standing Committee on Social and Cultural Affairs which called the APA member parliaments to take necessary measures to enhance cooperation in order to promote quality child and youth development in Asia.
Held in Samarkand City for two days (Aug.12-13, 2020), the WEB Forum on Human Rights was organized by the government of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights.
The core issue of this Meeting was centered on Human Rights with special focus on the rights of youth. Several dignitaries from International and Parliamentary Bodies, including the APA Secretary General addressed the opening session of this important event.
The Meeting opened with the address of the President of Uzbekistan followed by video messages from UN Secretary General, UNHCHR and UNESCO Director General. 
IPU Secretary General, President of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) were among other participants who addressed the meeting.
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  • 12 August 2020
  • Visited: 21154
  • News ID: 4025
  • Source:



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