APA President Condemns Israel’s Atrocities in the Occupied Palestine

The ongoing Israeli’s crime in the Occupied Territories of Palestine was strongly condemned by Prof. Mustafa Sentop, President of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) and Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
“In the capacity as President of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), we hereby condemn, in the strongest sense of word, Israel’s violent and criminal attacks against innocent Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestine”.
He made this strongly worded remarks yesterday in a written statement addressed to all the APA Member Parliaments, International and Regional Parliamentary Bodies.
In another part of his statement, APA President strongly urged the international community to take a resolute and effective action, without any further delay, to terminate the incessant cruelties against innocent Palestinians and violation of international law perpetuated by the Israeli state.

Click here for the full text.
  • 12 May 2021
  • Visited: 12049
  • News ID: 4063
  • Source:

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