Aims and Activities
APA provides a forum to parliamentarians to exchange views, ideas and experiences for developing common strategies for promotion of peace in Asia and the world; foster cooperation and coordination among parliamentarians in Asia for promotion of peace and respect for human rights and humanitarian principles; provide a forum for parliamentarians and civil society organizations for promotion of peace.
The aims of the APA are as follows:
1. Promoting freedom, social justice, peace, security and friendship to meet the objectives of the Assembly;
2. Sharing access to up-to-date knowledge in various areas and promoting such knowledge among the members in order to promote the progress and equality of its members;
3. Exploiting cooperatively vast human and natural resources and securing the interests of all members and recognizing their permanent authority on their natural resources;
4. Providing welfare facilities for the health and nutrition of its members' population; and
5. Contributing to integration among the Asian nations in order to utilize the potentialities of the region.